Thursday, August 28, 2008


um, righto, i'v been talking about this same thing for the last week, I know, i'll get over the coming and leavings but really, this year is extremely bad, the kids were with us for at least 2 years, i'v known them forever, and some since they were babies; goodness...

haven't felt this heartache for years, i know it's weird , hard to describe it with words. in this case, the insatiable passion no more, tis taken over by the insatiable heartache. What's gonna cure it, nothing maybe, it might inspire a piece of art ...when I am able to get myself to do it that is.

no doubt i'm gonna feel the result of the teeth grinding for a while.
hopefully this will be the last of it.

yes i'm in a panic of some sort, at one point flapping my hands in a frantic fashion as I was talking about it with dad.

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